The Books of My Numberless Dreams Review

Imani, Sunday Salon: Trading in Memories (November 25, 2007), says ...

Trading in Memories is another kind of travel, this time via Hodgson herself and the many things she’s collected on her own explorations. (Her fictional characters and non-fictional subjects are always explorers of countries, histories, literatures, memories, and/or their own mental landscape.) I’ve always liked how Hodgson’s collages worked within her stories. They weren’t merely graphic accouterments that a reader could ignore and that the story could manage well without. It’s clear that Hodgson composes her story with images as much as with words. They tell their own complementary story, or even an adjacent one; and they are detailed enough that hold up to long or repeated perusals.

Read the full review on the blog The Books of My Numberless Dreams.